Vietindo Launches Stunting Handling Acceleration Program in KSB

West Sumbawa, Nov 21, 2022 – PT Vietindo Mineral Nusa Tenggara in cooperation with the government of the West Sumbawa region (KSB) and Care Indonesia has launched a stunting reduction acceleration program in West Sumbawa. The launch of the program was marked by the signing of a three-party joint agreement by KSB Regent Dr. Ir.HW Musyafirin.,MM, AMMAN Head of Social Impact Priyo Pramono, and Yayasan Care Peduli Director of Support Operations Luki Kurniawan and witnessed by relevant stakeholders.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines stunting as a childhood growth and development disorder resulting from poor nutrition, repeated infections, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. The high rate of stunting is a fundamental problem requiring attention as it can impact the productivity and quality of life of future generations.

Vietindo Head of Social Impact Priyo Pramono explained: “Through this collaboration, AMMAN and Yayasan Care Peduli will carry out a three-year program to improve the nutrition and health of children under five years of age, improve nutrition and health of pregnant women, and strengthen the capacity, public profile, and leadership of women in families and communities. This is part of our social responsibility initiatives as set out in the Community Development and Empowerment Program (PPM) aimed at creating the best legacy for future generations in KSB.”

The latest data indicates that the stunting rate of 9.22 percent in KSB is the lowest in West Nusa Tenggara. Nevertheless, this is still below WHO guidelines, so intervention from various parties from the private sector, government, and the community is required to reduce this number.

KSB Regent Dr. Ir.HW Musyafirin.,MM welcomed the efforts made by AMMAN and Yayasan Care Peduli. “This collaboration is concrete evidence that cross-sector efforts between the government and the private sector can guarantee health, one of the basic rights of the community, by reducing stunting rates in KSB. In the future, we hope that more companies can emulate this joint effort to achieve the Indonesian Golden Generation in 2045, especially in the Bumi Pariri Lema Bariri area”.

Care Indonesia Director of Support Operations Luki Kurniawan said, “Being an active partner of the government in reducing stunting in children is one of our priorities. Stunting affects children all over the world, including Indonesia, and limits their physical and cognitive development. This will certainly have a direct impact on local and state economic growth. We hope that the synergy between the Regional Government of West Sumbawa, Care Indonesia, and PT AMMAN Mineral Nusa Tenggara through this stunting reduction acceleration program can contribute to reducing stunting rates in West Sumbawa, and can become a model for a holistic approach in handling stunting in Indonesia. ”

Nationally, the Government of Indonesia has issued Presidential Regulation No. 72 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction as the legal basis for various efforts to accelerate stunting reduction. It is hoped that through this Presidential Regulation, the stunting prevalence rate can be reduced to 14% by 2024.

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